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Purchase Agreement & Health Guarantee

Our Commitment to You

Please read our Purchase Agreement & Health Guarantee carefully. If you have any questions, ask for clarification. We must receive a signed copy from you before we are able to release a puppy to you. Print and this page and email it to us completed or bring it with you when you pick up your puppy.


Purchase Agreement & Health Guarantee

Please read our Purchase Agreement & Health Guarantee carefully. If you have any questions, ask for clarification. We must receive a signed copy from you before we are able to release a puppy to you. Print and this page and email it to us completed or bring it with you when you pick up your puppy.

Purchase Agreement & Health Guarantee

Seller: C&C Huskies or any of its designated representatives.
Buyer: The purchaser of the puppy (you)
DOB: Date of birth; the date which the puppy is born.
DOP: Date of possession; the date and time in which the BUYER takes possession of this puppy either by pick up or other means transportation.

Puppy Name:
Dam:                            Sire:
Sex: M/F
AKC Registration type: Limited/Full 

Pet Only
This puppy is sold on Limited AKC registration as a family companion pet only. Limited AKC registration does not include breeding or showing rights. The SELLER does not allow puppies on Limited AKC registration to be used for breeding. The SELLER recommends spay/neuter at 6 months – 1 year of age. The SELLER may only consider Full AKC registration breeding and showing rights to approved homes, for an additional fee and agreed here in writing. If granted, Full AKC registration is for the original buyer only and is not transferable. If Full AKC registration is not purchased, or the additional fee is not paid and the BUYER breeds this dog, the BUYER will be required to pay a penalty to the SELLER that is equal to $3,500.00, plus $1,000.00 for each puppy born as written on this agreement. This is not an ideal option for the SELLER, please be upfront and conscientious when making the decision to breed.

Health Guarantee
The SELLER, to the best of our knowledge, guarantees the BUYER at the time of delivery, this puppy is in good health and has received age appropriate vaccinations and deworming according to the accompanying health record for this puppy. BUYER agrees to have this puppy examined by a licensed veterinarian within 72 hours (3 business days) from the date of possession and to start this puppy on intestinal parasite heartworm prevention medication at this visit. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of this guarantee. It will be null and void. At the time of this exam, should your veterinarian find this puppy in poor health or detect any physical health problems excluding any type of worm/parasite or bacteria (internal or external), hernia, hypoglycemia, undescended testicles, or any condition that is minor, correctable, could go away, or is considered to be a condition which a puppy will likely out grow, the BUYER must contact the SELLER within 24 hours from the time of the diagnosis and have a copy of the examination results returned to the SELLER in person or by US Mail postmarked within 5 days of the DOP. Failure to do this will result in the cancellation of this guarantee. It will be null and void. Before any procedures, treatments, or surgeries are performed on this puppy, the SELLER must first be contacted. The SELLER is not responsible for any veterinary costs incurred by the BUYER. The BUYER has the option of returning the puppy to the SELLER for a partial refund. If the BUYER uses own transportation via a pet shipping company that includes other pets, the BUYER assumes all responsibility of communicable diseases. SELLER guarantees this puppy is free of hip dysplasia and hereditary cataracts for one year from the puppy’s DOB. The SELLER will not replace or refund for a puppy’s illness caused by neglect, physical injuries, ingestion of foreign objects, food, chemicals or communicable diseases diagnosed after 72 hours from the DOP. Heat stroke, exhaustion, dehydration and other heat-related conditions are not covered in any way. A Siberian Husky must always have access to water, especially in higher temperatures. Their coats are designed to keep them cool in high temperatures but they are still susceptible to heat-related ailments and they can die as a result of overheating.

In the case of sudden demise of this dog for any reason other than old age, the SELLER must receive a written notice of this dogs’ death from the BUYERS veterinarian along with a necropsy report indicating the cause of death. If this dog is euthanized or in any way disposed of without a second opinion from the SELLERS veterinarian, the BUYER waives all rights to a replacement puppy and any compensation from SELLER.

Should this puppy be found to have hip dysplasia or hereditary cataracts within one year from the dogs’ DOP, the BUYER must provide the SELLER with proof in the form of documentation signed by the licensed veterinarian who diagnosed the disorder and official documentation from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. Any genetic diseases must be validated by a licensed veterinarian and a copy of the results returned to the SELLER via US Mail postmarked within 14 days of the diagnosis. If this dog, at any time during the first year from the DOP, was allowed to become overweight, or have its joints be over stressed, this will result in the cancellation of this guarantee. It will be null and void.

Should any of the conditions above be discovered, and all requirements outlined in this document relating to that condition be met, the SELLER will provide the BUYER a replacement puppy or refund of the purchase price (minus the deposit, transportation costs, and any other costs incurred by the SELLER during the process of resolving the issue) the SELLER is not responsible for any costs incurred by the BUYER associated with the diagnosis or treatment of this dog. All costs associated with the diagnosis or treatment of the dog is the exclusive responsibility of the BUYER. The SELLER does NOT require the BUYER to return the affected dog in the event of a puppy replacement but the affected dog must be spayed or neutered and is not to be used for breeding. The SELLER reserves the right to confirm any of the results via independent veterinarian examination before a replacement puppy or refund is given. Results of this veterinary examination will be the final deciding factor as to whether a replacement puppy or refund will be warranted. If a replacement puppy is desired, the BUYER has up to 1 year from the DOB of this dog to choose a replacement puppy. If a replacement puppy is not chosen within that time frame, the BUYER is no longer entitled to a replacement puppy. If an issue were to arise from the replacement puppy, the BUYER is not entitled to another replacement puppy and the BUYER may keep the replacement puppy or return the replacement puppy without refund.

The BUYER must sign this agreement before or on the DOP. We must receive a signed copy from you before we are able to release a puppy to you. If delivery is not made in person, the BUYER must sign this agreement before or on the DOP and return it to the SELLER via email or by US Mail postmarked within 7 days from the DOP. Failure to do this will result in the cancellation of this guarantee. It will be null and void.

The SELLER will not replace or refund for any reason such as but not limited to: allergy, mortality, landlord’s disapproval, and disagreement of family or any other problem not related to health. No guarantee or warranty is made to the disposition, life-span, size, color, coat length, show quality, or breeding quality of any dog. 

The BUYER is required to complete all follow up vaccinations for this puppy and must start this puppy on intestinal parasite heartworm prevention medication at the first vet visit. Parasites are common in puppies early development. Deworming is a process the SELLER has started. The BUYER is required to continue and to keep this puppy on intestinal parasite heartworm prevention medication for the duration of the dog’s life. The BUYER must limit the puppy’s exposure to public places until all vaccinations have been administered. The BUYER agrees to provide this puppy with proper physical care, emotional care, socialization and to keep this puppy in good health by providing intestinal parasite heartworm prevention medication, routine vaccinations, and yearly exams. All veterinary care and its associated costs are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the BUYER. The BUYER agrees to house this puppy indoors as it’s primary housing. This puppy’s outdoor area must be secure, or acceptable provisions need to be made to assure this puppy is safe at all times when outdoors. Failure to do any of the above will result in the cancellation of this guarantee. It will be null and void. If this puppy is found to be allowed to run freely, running at large, creating a public nuisance, or found to be neglected, abused or allowed to live in poor health or poor conditions, the SELLER has all rights to the repossession of this puppy with no refund to the BUYER. The death, injury or loss of this puppy due to theft, carelessness, recklessness, abuse, neglect, heat stroke or accident will not entitle the BUYER to any compensation from SELLER. 

The SELLER offers a lifetime return policy. Should it become necessary, at any point during this dog’s life, that the BUYER can no longer keep the dog for any reason, the SELLER is to be notified and given first option of resuming full ownership of this dog OR the SELLER may approve the BUYER to rehome this dog with assistance from the SELLER. In the event BUYER must return this dog, ANY AND ALL VETERINARIAN RECORDS AND AKC REGISTRATION MUST BE INCLUDED AND SIGNED OVER TO SELLER. The BUYER will be responsible for all financial costs associated with returning the dog. If the SELLER approves the BUYER to rehome this dog, the dog must be spayed or neutered prior to rehoming, no exceptions. Full AKC registration is for the original buyer only and is not transferable. If the BUYER rehomes this dog without the SELLER’S permission, the BUYER will be required to pay a penalty to the SELLER that is equal to $3,600.00 as written on this agreement. Under no circumstances should this dog be sold, given away, or surrendered to an animal shelter. 

Stay in Touch
The SELLER requires the BUYER to stay in touch via Facebook, phone, or email, for the duration of this dog’s life. The SELLER will check in periodically with BUYER as well as request pictures and updates to ensure this puppy is being well cared for. This provides SELLER with an opportunity to follow up on puppies and gives important feedback and information on the health of dogs for future generations. Staying in touch is extremely important to us, if you cannot stay in touch with us, we are not the breeders for you. 

Additional Terms or Conditions

 Transfer of Guarantee

This guarantee is for the original BUYER only. This guarantee is NOT transferable. 

This agreement will continue for the duration of this dog’s life. Any changes to this agreement must be made in writing and signed by both parties. This agreement is binding and may be enforced by legal means at the BUYERS expense. All disputes must be settled in the state of North Carolina in the county of the SELLER’S residence. This is the entire agreement. I, as the BUYER or his/her representative, of this puppy, have read, understand, and agree to the above agreement. Acceptance of this puppy or dog constitutes acceptance of this agreement.

Buyer Name:
Buyer’s Signature:
Seller’s Signature: